Monday, August 4, 2014

Glitch art, digital photography

"... In his Instagram account, Maaz shows off a number of pictures that he gave the glitch treatment... I discovered a whole glitch art subculture that is present not only on dedicated websites, but also on Tumblr and FlickrGlitch art: bringing the “digital” back into digital photography: If we've piqued your interest in this art form, there are numerous resources available online. Besides the two apps mentioned above, there's a dedicated website that lets you upload an image and subject it to the glitch treatment by varying multiple parameters. For more, we recommend you consult the Glitch Wiki, which is a great source to find out more about the glitch art community and ways to create your own glitch art. (read more at the source: Glitch art: bringing the “digital” back into digital photography)

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Art and design: Photography |